Mar 1, 2010

Our last event is coming up on Saturday, March 6th. We hope everyone is able to attend. The schedule includes group activities as 10:00am followed by food and drink. The back half of the shelter and grill is rented for the BAY Nordic group. We will be providing burgers and hot dogs. If anyone is able to contribute with additional items, let Jennifer or Bob White know.

- Side dishes (pasta salad, potato salad, fruit, veggies, chips, etc.

-Paper plates

-Drinks (soda, juice, water)

Help will also be needed for setting up the food and with clean-up. We will start the grill early but are encouraging all families to extend their stay at the Camp into the afternoon.

If you haven't had a chance yet, check out the photos from the Stump Farm Race. All the kids did great with big smiles all around. The improvements that all the kids made throughout the year have been great.

Hope to see you Saturday.
