Jan 20, 2011

Session 3 and the Weather

Weather conditions are looking borderline for Saturday’s event. We will continue to monitor the forecast and weather to determine safe conditions for the kids. Each kid handles temperatures differently, so it is ultimately the parent’s decision whether to participate or not…we certainly understand and support each individual decision. In the event that we do cancel, an e-mail will be sent by 8:30am on Saturday morning.

The decision to cancel is a difficult one. Make up sessions are not possible due to the large number of volunteers needed and conflicting schedules, plus we look so forward to these Saturdays! Parameters that we will be using for making the decision will be:

  • <0 deg F pure temp or with the wind chill, cancel. Wind and sun make a big difference in how the kids (and adults) react to weather.
  • 0 to 10 deg. F, limit the session to approximately an hour (maybe shorter for the little one depending how they respond). We will keep the kids close to the lodge and have the “floaters” take any cold kids back to the lodge.
The following precautions should be followed if attending:

· Kids/parents should cover all skin.
· Chem packs are highly recommended.
· Balaclava's and neck gaiters make a big difference.
· All coaches MUST have a definite plan and a shorter backup plan and or route.
· Less drills and more skiing with a shorter session.
· Stops for arm circles and even some "surges" help with keeping warm.
· Have the kids warm before going outside…get warmed up in the lodge.

We will monitor the forecast at http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?FcstType=text&TempBox=1&WindBox=1&WeatherBox=1&PoPBox=1&textField1=44.519&textField2=-88.02&Submit=Submit&MapType=3&site=MPX&CiTemplate=0.

Keep your fingers crossed. We hope the weather cooperates and we see everyone on Saturday!