Participation in the Bay Nordic program has exceeded our expectations with over 150 kids registering last year (our 2nd year of the program)...all indications are that even more kids will be involved this year. My position from the start has been to never cap number of participants. The more kids that learn to ski, the better! The downfall is that we need a lot of coaches (and volunteers) to run our sessions smoothly. Having said that, we are beginning to organize our coaches and recruit new coaches to help us through the year and future years.
Bay Nordic has been structured to group kids based on ages and abilities, giving them an opportunity to progressively learn the skills needed to have fun skiing and be successfull. To meet these goals we have found success in having 1-2 Head Coaches per group (depending on size), and 2-3 Assistant/Helpers. The Head Coaches take the role in presenting and leading curriculum with the Assistant/Helpers keeping the groups organized, reinforcing drills, helping with cold hands, tying boots, and anything else needed!
For myself, the time on the snow with my group are some of my favorites skis of the year...I think most of the past coaches feel the same. As the program moves forward and we begin to lose coaches as their own kids move on, the next "generation" of coaches will be taking over. Creating a sustainable coaching program is imperative for the program to continue.
So....please consider joining our Coaching program in any capacity, either as a Head or Assistant Coach. We have, and are working on, the following opportunities and clinics to learn and develop coaching skills for current and future coaches.
Bay Nordic Coaching Clinic after Thanksgiving Holiday
For all current and new Bay Nordic Coaches we will run a Coaching Clinic prior to the first session. The clinic will be facilitated by Mark Ernst with additional curriculum provided by some of our seasoned veterans. Written curricullum and technique/games will be included. We would like to see full participation from our coaches at this event.
Date, Location, & Time Coming Soon!
Thank you in advance for considering coaching....if you know how to ski, there is a place for you to help coach! Please let me know in advance if you are interested.